Legal notices
The FASTN website is published by :
Haulotte Group – Rue Emile Zola – 42420 Lorette – France (phone: +33 4 77 29 24 24)
S.A. au capital de 4 078 265,62 € – R.C.S. Saint-Étienne B 332 822 485 – Siret : 332 822 485 00063
Please read this legal notice carefully before using the FASTN website.
Article 1: Purpose
The purpose of this legal notice is to define the terms and conditions under which Haulotte Group makes the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) available to Internet users (hereinafter referred to as the “User”), and the conditions under which the User accesses and uses the Site.
The purpose of the Site is to present the FASTN system, which enables construction companies to increase the safety of aerial work platform (AWP) operators by detecting the correct anchoring of their safety harness.
Any connection to the mentioned above is subject to compliance with this legal notice, which Haulotte Group reserves the right to modify or update at any time.
By accessing and using the above-mentioned Site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
Article 2: Access to the Website
Haulotte Group endeavours to keep the Website accessible, but is under no obligation to do so. It is specified that access to this Website may be interrupted for the purposes of maintenance, updating or any other reason, particularly of a technical nature. Haulotte Group is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the Internet user.
Article 3: Intellectual property rights
The content (in particular data, information, illustrations, logos, brands, etc.) which appear or are available on the Website are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of their respective publishers. Any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation, alteration, modification or distribution, in whole or in part, of the content of this Site, by any process whatsoever, is unlawful with the exception of a single copy, on a single computer and reserved exclusively for the private use of the copier. The logos are registered trademarks.
None of the documents originating from the Site may be copied, reproduced, published, downloaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever, except in the case of a simple recording of the documents on a micro-computer for your personal use and for non-commercial purposes. In this case, you must keep the proprietary notices intact. Altering or modifying these documents or using them for any other purpose constitutes an infringement of Haulotte Group’s property rights.
Article 4: Electronic mail
To correspond with Haulotte Group by e-mail on the Site, Users complete the site’s contact form. Haulotte Group’s responses to e-mails may not be assimilated to or constitute proof of the exercise of any advertising, promotional or commercial activity in the territory of the country to which the responses are sent.
Article 5: Limitation of liability
The documents and information published on the Website are provided “as is” without any express or tacit guarantee of any kind whatsoever. Haulotte Group reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its Sites at any time, without prior notice. Haulotte Group may not be held liable in the event of contamination of Users’ computer equipment resulting from the propagation of a virus or other computer infection. It is the User’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. Under no circumstances may Haulotte Group, its employees, its suppliers or the partners mentioned on its Websites be held liable, under an action for contractual liability, tort liability or any other action, for any direct or indirect damage, incident or accessory, or of any nature whatsoever or for any loss, in particular of a financial or commercial nature, resulting from the use of this Website or any information obtained from this Website.
The Website may contain simple or deep links (hypertext links) to Haulotte Group’s partner websites or its customers’ websites. Haulotte Group has no control over these sites and therefore assumes no responsibility for the availability of these sites, their content, advertising, products and/or services available on or from these sites. Thus, Haulotte Group will not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage that may arise from the User’s access to or use of the partner’s site, from the failure of the content and services to comply with any regulations or from any infringement of the rights of third parties. Haulotte Group accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the information, materials or software on sites linked to the Website by hypertext links.
Article 6: Cookies
Haulotte Group may automatically install “cookies”. Cookies enable Haulotte Group to record information relating to browsing on the Website, which is in no way personal.
Users may prevent cookies from being stored by configuring their Internet browser in accordance with the publisher’s instructions.
Article 7: Protection of personal data
In order to better meet your expectations and when consulting the Site, we may collect information about you that may be subject to automated processing.
This information is required to process your request and is intended strictly for Haulotte Group for purely administrative purposes.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, the User has the right to oppose, access, modify and delete data concerning him/her by writing to Haulotte Group at its registered office, or by email to
Article 8: Jurisdiction and applicable law
Any dispute relating to the Site or to this legal notice will be brought before the courts of Saint-Etienne, and will be governed and analysed according to French legislation on the merits, regardless of the rules of conflict of laws. Use of the Site signifies your express agreement to the application of this jurisdictional clause.
If any provision of this legal notice is held to be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable from this legal notice and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
Site publisher: Haulotte Group
Publication Director: Alexandre Saubot
Communications & Webmaster: Carine Ploton
Haulotte Group – Rue Emile Zola 42420 Lorette – France
Design & technical: Haulotte Group
Hosting: OELIS
42000 Saint-Etienne
Tel : + 33 4 71 21 00 00

12 avenue Tony Garnier
69007 Lyon
Tel : +33 4 37 43 12 60